Everything you need to know about our practice
Downloadable version: Practice Information
PHONE: 9547 6975 FASCIMILE: 9547 9859
Email: reception@unionmedicalcentre.com.au
This practice is committed to providing comprehensive care to all patients. The Doctors are trained and experienced in the broad range of problems dealt with in general medical practice. We believe your health is best managed by continuous care from the same source, rather than different problems to different places. All our doctors will refer you for specialist opinions, investigations and treatment when necessary.
All patients have the right to informed consent in their treatment and actively participate in decisions about their healthcare.
Services available: General check-ups, Women’s health, Men’s Health, Family planning, Asthma, Allergy, Diabetes, Childhood Immunisation, Work cover, TAC, Preventative medicine, Diabetic Educator, Pathology Collection Onsite, Physiotherapy, Skin Care, Hair Loss, Nutritionist, Podiatry, Dietician
Doctors: Dr Sarita Kotur-Special interests include Women’s Health, family planning, Weight loss management
Dr Thomas Verghese-Special interests include Men’s Health, Diabetes, Weight loss management
Dr Phyo Thein – Special interests include Men’s Health, Diabetes Family health, Workcover TAC
Practice Manager: Terri Azemi
Practice Nurses: Andrew & Yuliya
Receptionists: Savitha, Devi, Sanchna, Shannon, Jessica, Adi, Rhea
Registered Nurse RN: Gurinder Pal Kaur
Please ring 9547 6975 for an appointment or book online via our website www.unionmedicalcentre.com.au Emergencies will always be given priority. Patients will be given an appointment of your choice whether it be telehealth or face to face where possible. Please inform the receptionist at the time of making your appointment whether a Longer Appointment is required and whether more than one person is to be seen. If you or a family member requires an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please let us know in advance when you make an appointment. The Doctor’s at Union Medical Centre are happy to accommodate patients who present to the clinic without an appointment (walkins) though there may be a waiting time unless deemed urgent will be see in between appointments. Alternative modes of communication may be used by our patients with a disability. The National Relay Service (NRS) for patients that are deaf or the translation and Interpreter service.
(TIS) Doctors Priority Line (1300 131 450) for patients from a not English-speaking background
This practice provides 24-hour care for patients. In the event of an emergency our Doctors are on call between the hours of 6.30am and 8am Monday to Friday and can be contacted through our Locum Service. (Private Billing will apply) For urgent medical attention and free telephone advice please call the National Home Doctor Service 13 74 25 (BULK BILLING)
Home visits are available on request for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery. Home visits are bulk billed by our Doctors if a current Medicare card is provided. Doctors do not take telephone calls whilst seeing patients. Our receptionist staff will take a message, inform the Doctor and your call will be returned by the Doctor at the earliest possible time. Patients can send enquiries or contact us via fax on 03 95479859 or by emailing the Practice Manager at terri.azemi@unionmedicalcentre.com.au. Our clinic is also e-health compliant. Should you have any further enquiries please ask our friendly staff.
Union Medical Centre is a BULK BILLING CLINIC. However, if your Medicare card has expired or you fail to produce a valid card, you will be required to pay cash on the day. ACCOUNTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN. Private fee $70 for initial consultation for new patients or patients who have not been here for more than 2 years. Should you require emergency assistance between the hours of 6.30am and 8am Monday to Friday.
Private fees: Standard Consultation: $70.00 Eftpos
Work cover fees: Private: $75.00
Physiotherapist: EPC Bulk Billed, Private Initial $75 Review $65
Home visits: Bulk billed with current Medicare card. Private: $50.00
After hours: Bulk billed with a current Medicare card.
Podiatrist: Jonathan Myburgh Bulk Billed EPC, Private Initial $85, Subsequent $75
Dietician: Silva Nazaretian Bulk Billed EPC, Private $50
Dietician: Sunita Goradia Bulk Billed EPC, Private $60
Nutritionist: Sunita Goradia Private fee $50
Skin Care: Yuliya Diachevsky Private fee
Skin & Hair Care: Dr Kotur & Dr Verghese Initial consultation $100 (with rebate) Subsequent consultation $50 (with rebate)
Our receptionist staff will ask you to complete a work cover form. Payment for consultations will be billed $65 and paid by you until we have authority from your employer to bill them direct. Please note there is an excess of $599 for TAC claims to be paid by you. Once this has been reached, we are then able to bill TAC direct.
Should patients have abnormal results, our clinic has a recall system where staff calls patients to arrange an appointment to see their Doctor. Recalls are attended to daily to ensure the best follow up care for our patients.
The Surgery is committed to preventative care. We will contact you from time to time reminding you about check-ups and preventative health services appropriate to you. We are fully computerized and actively involved in a recall and reminder system of our patients. If you do not wish to be included in this system, please speak with your Doctor.
This practice submits patient data to various disease registers (cervical, breast and bowel screening etc) for preventative health. Please let us know if you do not wish to participate.
It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff. Patients can obtain a copy of our privacy policy at reception. Our practice regularly engages with local health services, such as specialists, allied health and hospitals, this is all done with your consent.
Patient complaints/feedback: If you have a problem, we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to the Doctor or receptionist. We take concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. We have developed and documented a privacy policy according to the current privacy laws. If you would like information about this policy or if you need to access your health record, please ask your Doctor or reception staff. Alternatively, please contact Health Services Commissioner, Complaints and Information: Telephone: 1300 582 113
Fax: (61 03) 9032 3111 Email: hsc@health.vic.gov.au Web: hcc.vic.gov.au
Members of the public may make a notification to AHPRA about the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner or the health of a student. Practitioners, employers and education providers are all mandated by law to report notifiable conduct relating to a registered practitioner or student to AHPRA. Australian Health practitioner regulation agency (AHPRA) http://www.ahpra.gov.au/ . It is the role of this practice to provide a caring environment that is safe, welcoming and peaceful for all patients. We respect the rights of individuals and will attempt at all times to treat patients promptly and courteously. Union Medical Centre requests that patients, in turn, treat staff and other patients with respect, refraining from shouting, swearing or engaging in other inappropriate behaviour which may cause harm or distress to themselves or others.